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Mari mampir....


Friday, June 19, 2009

Old Memories strike back

What a beatiful saturday soon as I finished my work I rushed my self to Metropole...I arrived on schedule and prepared to watch my favourite childhood hit tv series.

Tonight so special since I went to the cinema alone.....being alone it self not really special, but the feeling covered me at the moment was the most exciting thing.

Star Trek..the title of the began with the appereance of the "Great Enterprise" ship. Soon I got sucked into my childhood time where I was still in elementary school.
I enjoyed the old time for a while....when the action and explotion drag me again to the real life.

I like the movie so much....and it fit my expectation, I hope they will continue to make another movie.
Mr. Spock...I still remember the old Spock look like, I never Imagine they can get young Spock that can balance the old Spock charisma.

Capten Kirk...the naughty boy but intelligent. He played capten Kirk very well.....and now I know that this Kirk used to be a Casanova.

The best moment in this movie was when this beautiful cheek kissed Mr.Spock....I wonder wether Spock enjoy the sensation....we know that "emotion" is something that he cannot understand...... huahahaaha

But hey...I cannot tell more...this movie so awesome....just watch it.....I will buy Star Trek DVD later so I can watch it many many times.

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